Sunday, 10 November 2013

Misfits Opening scene

Purpose of Sound
There are many different purposes for why sound is used in media products for example to entertain the audience. Firstly sound can be used to establish different characters personalities and backgrounds. This can be done by changing the characters vocabulary, accent, tone and volume e.g. cockney accent can be stereotypically tell the audience this guy comes from London and that he is lower class. Secondly sound can be used to establish the genre of the program and to set the tone of the programme.

When Nathan speaks during the opening scene he doesn't swear at all. This could suggest that he has been raised with some kind of manors even though he does insult his fellow workers. He seems intelligent but argumentative as he questions the probations workers very first question even though it wasn't suppose to be answered for example he answers with "what if they are right"? He just likes to be in the centre of attention and to mess around with other people.

Nathan is Irish (Republic of Ireland). Coming from another country and set in London we get this feeling like Nathan doesn't come from a class and that he doesn't belong. His accent is soothing and bouncy which fits quite nicely with his vocabulary as it may not create the same feeling with an English accent    

Nathan is very sarcastic. I know this because he likes to tease the other members of the group especially Gary. He is also very clear on what he wants and doesn't have trouble speaking his mind for example a teasing Kelly's voice. Even though he can be rude to his workers it always seems like he is playing with them due to his playful voice.

Nathan has a strong clear voice which you can easily understand,  He starts talking straight immediately after the Probation Officer has finished talking to them about a fresh new start. This shows us how punctual Nathan is and how he would like to take charge of every conversation.

We can tell from these aspects that Nathan is the comedic one of the group who doesn't hesitate when it comes the time to tease his workers. All though he is a joker of the group he does show that he cares a little about the other member of the group for example his notices Simon and asks if he is all right even though its short lasted as he then calls him weird.

Aleisha's tone changes through out the scene to match the mood she is in. She is the looker of the group which stereotypically likes to flirt a lot with people and do what they like. When speaking we know she uses slang words which can represent urban backgrounds. Coming from an urban background she has picked up and urban accent with differs tones from time to time. While the probation worker is talking Aleisha is on the phone to one of her friends. This shows that she has no respect for the workers or probation  worker and especially doesn't want to be there.

When Curtis speaks we can tell that he uses street language but its sort of mixed with proper english as well which suggest that he could of has a good education but hangs around with some dodgy people. He uses street words to show that even though his quiet and mellow doesn't mean he can't get tough when needed.

He comes from the UK so he doesn't really have any distinctive accents.

His tone is quiet low which shows that he is relaxed around the group and isn't looking for a shout of with Nathan. Also he seems laid back which could represent that he is the cool guy in the group.

Curtis volume is quite quiet while he speaks to the probation worker asking if he can change groups. This could suggest that he doesn't want any attention from anyone else.

Curtis is the laid back cool guy of the group. We know this because he doesn't speak unless he needs too. He tells the probation worker if he can change groups which suggested that he isn't looking for friends, he just wants to do his time unnoticed. 


Simon is the quietest one in the group as he is the only one who doesn't talk. This shows that he doesn't fit in with these other people. In the clip he doesn't react to any other team members jokes which shows that he just wants to get on with it. Finally the only thing we can tell is that Simon is one big mystery.

When Kelly speaks we can tell straight away that she is a stereotypical chav. When speaking her volume is very high but clear and she uses in proper use of the English language which Nathan picks up on and starts teasing her about. When defending herself she uses her loud voice to overcome any challenger which shows that she can stand up for her self. She has a slight Northern accent mixed with chav which can represent she has no class.

The first words we here from Gary are "You looking to get stabbed" which is stereotypically used by chavs and gangsters. This shows that Gary is aggressive and probably not well brought up. He uses words to make himself look tough for example he threatens Nathan by telling him that he will sh*t down his neck which shows that he uses words to attack people and he doesn't care who's around around to hear it e.g. the probation worker. We can tell that Gary is from a low class family as he doesn't have a many technical, scientific words in his vocabulary.

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