Friday 14 February 2014

After Effects - Pen effects (masking + Glowing)

I did two effects on this pen scene. The first effect was masking over the wire and replacing it with a background image. I did this by using taking a still image of the background without the pen and placing it over the image. Once this was done I could mask out the line holding up the pen. I had to mask each individual frame to create the illusion that the pen is actually floating.

The second effect is the glowing of the pen. To do this I added the effect called CC Light rays which created this glowing effect. Once I finished messing with the CC Light ray settings to create the best amount of glow for the pen. I then went through each key frame positioning the effect for the best results. Basically this creates the illusion that the pen is glowing up but actually the CC Light rays is key framed to follow the pen.

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