Monday 20 January 2014

Production Meeting of The Fluffy Butterflies 20/01/14

Production Meeting

Production meeting of The Fluffy Butterflies

People in this meeting:


We have discussed that on monday we will be filming the scenes where we dont need Ruby or any of the extras as they are not free to act. We need certain shots such as the close up of the clock and some shots of Jasper. Then if we have enough time we will practice the shot of Jasper using his super powers then practice on after effects with it so we have some experience on how to do it.

On Tuesday we will do the sound effects and edit the clips that we have collected from the day before to make sure we keep on track and we dont leave the editing for the last minute.

We have decided to film on Wednesday right after college at 12.30 as everyone will be out and the room where we need to film will be free and also the actors will be available to act as its the end of the day. 

On thursday we will edit all the clips we have collected from the day before as there should be plenty of shots to edit. And also we will search for some sounds if needed.

Friday we will focus on the special effects where Jasper uses his powers to pick up his pen and lands in Ruby's hand as we need to make sure we get that done. Also we will search for some more videos about special effects so we make sure we do it correctly and we do not mess up. If we do not get everything done on wednesday we will film on friday.

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