Thursday, 30 January 2014

Thursday, 23 January 2014 Filming

Olivia-Maia Rough Cut Feedback

Production Meeting-Rough Cut

Production Meeting *Paula* *Alex* *Louis* *Me and alex got the same answer for the first one. It made sense but there were some missing clips.* *We only used one special effect so maybe add more in our next project.* *The audio was really effective in alex's video for example when hes thinking. I had some missing audio therefore it * *didnt make too much sense.* *2 people said that the clock ticking and the pen scribbling was really effective.* *We should add some music to our videos*

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

P1. Music analysis - Submarine

The clip shows a kid who is writing a guide for a friend at school that has previously been bullied. This is shown in a form of a montage. There are many reasons for why this music has been used in this clip. The first reason would be because it helps the narrative. It does this very well because it doesn't distract the audience when watching. The second reason would be because it creates a sonic wallpaper with the audience. The main reason for the music is because it the clip shown is a montage and with a montage you need a good steady background music.
The tone of the music used is a mixed balanced between major and minor as it creates this neutral feeling when watching the clip. The instruments used are mostly orchestral, this means there is no vocals distracting you when watching. You can hear flutes and strings which are usually used for happy/sad things. The tempo reminds me of a brisk walking pace (andante) which is perfectly selected for a montage clip because you don't get distracted when watching. The genre of the music would be defiantly classical but with a hint of an up beat tempo to it.

The meaning for the music is for us, the audience to follow the main characters thoughts. Its almost like we are with him as he describes the process of school bullying and how to stop it. The music seems to fit his personality as he is slightly happy but calm at the same and the music is a slight up beat orchestral piece which creates this felling neutral balance between major and minor.  

Sound preparation for 2 minute clip

P1. Use of music - legal considerations

Publishing rights are rights owned by the music publisher and include melody and lyrics. The recording rights are the recording of the song (i.e the actual sound that comes off of a CD, MP3 Record, and so on) it is a separate work of creative expression so it has its own rights.
If the Composer had died for over seventy years then the copyright would have of expired and there is no need to seek clearance for the composition, but you will need get clearance from the owner of the recording right. Incidental music is music for an advert, TV programme, radio, game video. Incidental music isn't primarily music. It can also be called soundtrack, or film score.

Creative Commons is a non profit organisation created in America. They created several copyright licenses called creative commons licenses free for those who use it (the general public). It was created to expand the range of creative works available to build upon legally and share to there friends.

Attribution:  This lets people do anything to the piece of work an even distribute as long as they credited you for the original creation. 

Attribution-ShareAlike: This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to “copyleft” free and open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use. This is the license used by Wikipedia, and is recommended for materials that would benefit from incorporating content from Wikipedia and similarly licensed projects.

Attribution-NoDerivs: This license allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you.

Attribution-NonCommercial: This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike  This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.

Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivsThis license is the most restrictive of our six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.

For my project I was looking for a happy up beat tune which is completely instrumental so that it doesn't disrupt the video footage. The sound was going to played underneath the letter reading scene. I got the sound from and is licensed under the non-commercial license.


Monday, 20 January 2014

Production Meeting of The Fluffy Butterflies 20/01/14

Production Meeting

Production meeting of The Fluffy Butterflies

People in this meeting:


We have discussed that on monday we will be filming the scenes where we dont need Ruby or any of the extras as they are not free to act. We need certain shots such as the close up of the clock and some shots of Jasper. Then if we have enough time we will practice the shot of Jasper using his super powers then practice on after effects with it so we have some experience on how to do it.

On Tuesday we will do the sound effects and edit the clips that we have collected from the day before to make sure we keep on track and we dont leave the editing for the last minute.

We have decided to film on Wednesday right after college at 12.30 as everyone will be out and the room where we need to film will be free and also the actors will be available to act as its the end of the day. 

On thursday we will edit all the clips we have collected from the day before as there should be plenty of shots to edit. And also we will search for some sounds if needed.

Friday we will focus on the special effects where Jasper uses his powers to pick up his pen and lands in Ruby's hand as we need to make sure we get that done. Also we will search for some more videos about special effects so we make sure we do it correctly and we do not mess up. If we do not get everything done on wednesday we will film on friday.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Health And Safety Talk With Gary

Before filming, make sure you always fill in a risk assessment. Climbing on things can be dangerous while filming for example benches and walls can be slippery and you could hurt yourself. If climbing please ask before doing so. Filming on stairs and down big corridors can be a risk because they are usually busy and could cause accidents. Finally when filming outside, be extra careful around wet conditions as you could fall and break the equipment or even worse, yourself. Be safe as possible when filming and take the right measure to assure this.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Book Club Poster created by Louis Davis

                              I created this poster in Photoshop for my project Power Of The Mind

Friday, 10 January 2014

Costume test - Jasper

Costume test - Miss Barlow

Costume test - Ruby

Contingency Plan

Contingency Plan

Class room may change appearance when we filming
- Make own background OR Fix the problem
People not being in when important decision need to be made
- Call people on phone or ask on facebook or Skype

Class room may not be available when we want to film there
- Use our normal class or find time table for class to see when its free.
Communication and Organisation problems
- call people and use facebook to talk to people to know what we will be doing each lesson

Wont have a full class for one of the shots
- Make it look like you do by a camera angle or make illusion

Minor Problems
Costume sourcing
- See what people have if they dont have it ask other if we could borrow theres or change what the character will be wearing

Creating props for project
- Find poster online and add additional information that you want on there

Students may be talking when we want to film
- Ask to be quiet when filming or take them out of room when filming

- Learn them, find tutorials online or ask for help

Major Disasters 
Actors may not be reliable as group members dont know what their like
- Get to know them Trust work mates friends

Laptops being used by other class when you need to use them
- Ask to use it or use other group members laptop

People including me in our group may only want to film when they have to be in collage and want to go home on their frees
- Put your hammer down as it will be better to get it all done then none of it

One actor isnt available every thursday
Don't film on thursdays or get another actor

Actors not being available at the same time that we want to film
- Find out when they are available to film and sort it out from that or change actors
If we do film in frees, other class my be using the camera so we wont be able to film
- Find out with them when they are filming or borrow another camera

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Matte Painting Research 2.0

A Matte painting is a painted representation of a landscape, set or distant location that allows filmmakers to create the illusion of an environment that is nonexistent in real life or would otherwise be too expensive or impossible to build or visit.

Over Time
Traditionally, matte painting were made by artist using paints or pastels on large sheets of glass for intergrating with the live-action footage. The first known matte painting shot was made in 1907 by Norman Dawn (ASC), who improvised the crumbling Califonia Missions by painting them on glass for the movie Missions of Califonia.

By the mid-1980s, advancements in computer graphics programs allowed matte painters to work in the digital realm. The first digital matte shot was created by painter Chris Evans in 1985 for Young Sherlock Holmes for a scene feauturing a computer-graphics (CG) animation of a knight leaping from a stained glass window.

Throughout the 1990s, traditional matte paintings were still in use, but more often in conjunction with digital compositing. Die Hard 2: Die Harder (1990) was the first film to use digitally composited live-action footage with a traditional glass matte painting that has been photographed and scanned into a computer.

Paint has now been superseded by digital images created using photo references, 3-D models, and drawing tablets. Matte painters combine thrive digitally matte painted textures within computer-generated 3-D environments, allowing for a 3-D camera movements.

The army barracks In All Quiet On The Western Front (1930)
Count Dracula's castle exteriors In Dracula (1931) and other scenes.
The view of Scull Island in King Kong (1993)
The rooftops of Portobella Road in Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971)
The city railway line in The Sting (1973)
Views of a destroyed Los Angeles in Earthquake (1974)
The Batty and Deckard chase scene In Blade Runner (1982)
The view of the crashed space ship in The Thing (1982)
The view of the OCO tower in RoboCop (1987)

The Invisible Art: The Legends Of Movie Matte Painting, Chronicle Books, 2002 by Mark Cotta and Craig Barron 

Health And Safety

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Casting Sheet Notes

Jaspes is going to be played by Louis Davis.
We did an audition for Jasper as we weren't sure who would be more suitable for the role.
We are looking for an average height young man with black hair.
Louis was more suitable for this role as he has black hair and josh doesnt.

Ruby is going to be played Georgette.
We are looking for a young girl that seems nice and kind and also has green eyes and ginger hair.
Georgette is the most suitable girl we have found who is available and willing to do this role.

Miss Barlow.
We are looking for a girl thats quite tall and seems strict but nice at the same time who is also ginger.
we found a girl with brown hair and she seemed nice therefore she suited the role.

Extra 1.
We were looking for a guy who can stare without laughing.
We found Anthony who will do this role as we liked the way he stares.

Extra 2.
We were looking for a girl that can stare infront of a camera.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Production Meeting

Production Meeting - Filming, Editing and Sound Dates

Production meeting For the Fluffy Butterflys

Who was there?

Side elements:
Effects: Alex
Sound: Louis
Directing: Everyone
Editing: Paula

The dates:
Week 1 –
6th – Teachers have planned
7th – Teachers have planned
8th – Teachers have planned
9th – Teachers have planned
10th – Teachers have planned

Week 2 –
13th  - Filming (Corridor)
14th – Filming (Corridor)
15th – Filming (Class room)
16th – Filming (Class room)
17th – Editing  (After effects)

Week 3 –
20th – Filming (Class room)
21st – Sound Effect (Find them)
22nd – Filming (Class room)
23rd – Editing
24th – Adding sound effects

Week 4 –
27th – Putting Everything together
28th – Ruff cut (making sure everything is ok)
30th – Filming (Class Room)
31st – Sound Effects

Week 5 –
3rd – Filming (Class room)
4th – Editing
5th – Editing
6th – Editing
7th – Editing

Week 6 –
10th – Double check things
11th – Editing
12th – Editing
13th – Filming (if needed)
14th – DEAD LINE

Good Pictures vs Bad Pictures

Fluffy Butterflies Calendar